2nd warning
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2002-12-13 10:18

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
pls do not flood the board.

banzhu pls discourage such behaviour instead of awarding the points, please delete the posts appropriately next time and if you want to award points, no more than 1 pts/day/person for those who are keen in copying

1. 遵守版规,人人有责。有问题先参考版规或发站内信息给版主处理。
2. 若有问题请不要给我发站内消息,一般情况下不理会和不回复的。
3. 投诉或意见请去 意见公告 版面。
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[原创]rose  daniell   (939 bytes , 369reads )
2nd warning administrator   (243 bytes , 185reads )