所在版块:文学艺术 发贴时间:2003-08-23 17:10

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Spend all your time waiting
for that second chance
for a break that would make it okay
there's always one reason
to feel not good enough
and it's hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction
oh beautiful release
memory seeps from my veins
let me be empty
and weightless and maybe
I'll find some peace tonight

so tired of the straight line
and everywhere you turn
there's vultures and thieves at your back
and the storm keeps on twisting
you keep on building the lie
that you make up for all that you lack
it don't make no difference
escaping one last time
it's easier to believe in this sweet madness oh
this glorious sadness that brings me to my knees

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【原创文学】失踪日记 (7) 碧绿色的兔子   (3119 bytes , 860reads )
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我.......... 过把瘾去死   (0 bytes , 157reads )
是真是假? 过把瘾去死   (660 bytes , 225reads )
小说~~亦真亦假。。。。 碧绿色的兔子   (0 bytes , 199reads )
感情是抵挡不住距离的。。。。 sunguang   (40 bytes , 227reads )
距离挡不住的是感情,挡住的却是爱情。。 碧绿色的兔子   (0 bytes , 172reads )
嗯,说得对 sunguang   (0 bytes , 166reads )
what mean ya? 新版ID   (56 bytes , 169reads )
gen ! coolapple   (0 bytes , 183reads )
亲爱的,这都被你想到了,牛! durchsichtig   (0 bytes , 221reads )
如果这是真的 居里   (94 bytes , 242reads )
读完了, 新版ID   (52 bytes , 196reads )
sorry,这几天实在找不到感觉。。。 碧绿色的兔子   (0 bytes , 157reads )
终于出 7 了 呀~ 新版ID   (4 bytes , 168reads )