Hee hee..the true terror is at arts canteen
所在版块:文学艺术 发贴时间:2003-01-28 03:28

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That uncle at the dessert store always uses his hands to press the ice flakes tight, everytime without failure. And, he is the only person there, so he does everything including collecting money and cleaning-up.

Ice at YIH is good, good enough. Now I miss it...


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【原创文学】吃冰记 橙子   (3519 bytes , 1087reads )
其实所有的canteen都是这样的,所以 purple_81   (26 bytes , 176reads )
点冰品的时候,都会下意识把头转开。 阿柔   (52 bytes , 256reads )
Hee hee..the true terror is at arts canteen 沈喑   (262 bytes , 282reads )
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别吓我,Y餐厅->YiShu餐厅->艺术餐厅->Arts Canteen 橙子   (0 bytes , 215reads )
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。。我是橙子,哪来这么多水果队的新人,我是元老 橙子   (0 bytes , 187reads )
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NTU的。。好象还安全。。。 神奇香蕉叔叔   (0 bytes , 260reads )
安客安剃 麥兜   (125 bytes , 312reads )
啊?ice-kachang都是七毛,这从何猜起? 橙子   (0 bytes , 194reads )
看那做冰的技术,八九不离十了,嘿嘿 麥兜   (0 bytes , 161reads )