Request: Pls ban ID: ACM
所在版块:意见公告 发贴时间:2003-08-22 17:25

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
<sorry i type this post in Lab, no chinese input>

Dear webmaster,

I find the new ID: ACM <post 2 , online time: 0.1hr>

is of harm to ACM society and huasing community.

1> ACM is registered name , stands for Association for computing machineary,

so it is not suitable to be use as nickname.

<cannot imagine if any one use PRC as nickname here, will that be allowed also?>

2> huasing community may tends to take ACM's words as official announcement in huasing, or at least it is confusing to a lot ppl.

<eg. id: PRCSU is of same effect>

3> As official representative of ACM NTU Student chapter, use of ACM should under our committee's approval,
in any case,
we can make it a legal case for ID user, in that way, we may trouble huasing webmasters again for tracing his record etc.
which creates more troubles.

< personally i not wish that happen>

To summarize, I would like to kindly request webmaster to ban ID: ACM

and prevent any similar IDs to be registered.

Thanks a lot.


================== True Racing Spirit~~
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